As with all small rural villages Threapwood has rarely hit the national headlines but has had its fair share of coverage in the local press. The following eclectic set of clippings are taken from various issues of local newspapers and give some flavour of life and commerce in Threapwood in times past.
Whitchurch Herald Transcripts
With grateful thanks to volunteer typist Christine Clegg we have been able to include here a range of extracts from the Whitchurch Herald covering the period 1901 to 1919. The transcripts are included in two pdf documents which can be accessed by clicking on the relevant years below.
You will be able to search for a specific name, place, or any word by simply downloading the pdf files and using the Adobe Reader search function.
Other Local Papers
All life in the village, both happy and sad, has been recorded in our local newspapers. The various court cases reported below give substance to Threapwood's reputation in times past as a place of lawlessness and easy virtue. The various property sale advertisements highlight the names of former Public Houses in Threapwood now all converted to private houses.
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Whitchurch Herald 1977 | |
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Chester Chronicle 13th April 1847 | |
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Chester Chronicle 29th April 1893 | |
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Chester Chronicle 8th August 1868 | |
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Chester Chronicle 1st December 1866 | |
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Chester Chronicle 17th January 1857 | |
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Chester Chronicle 13th June 1857 | |
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Chester Chronicle 18th March 1831 | |
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Chester Chronicle 25th May 1869 | |
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Chester Courant & Advertiser 27th May 1903 (Click here for full article) |
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Wrexham & Denbighshire Advertiser 9th April 1870 |
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Chester Courant 17/11/1897 |
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Chester Courant 20th Dec 1899 |
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A 1954 clipping from an unknown local newspaper. | |
LIVERPOOL MERCURY Friday 17 January 1834
Advert: Education Cheshire. A married Clergyman, Graduate of Cambridge, residing on his Benefice, which is healthily situated three miles from Malpas, and who receives six Young Gentlemen from seven to twelve years of age, has now vacancies for two. Their manners and comforts are anxiously attended to, and their Education will be sound, comprising all the usual branches. Terms: including washing and all extras, 45 Guineas per annum. Address (post paid) the Rev. J.F.CHURTON, LL.B., Threapwood Parsonage, by Wrexham
JACKSON’S OXFORD JOURNAL Saturday 8 February 1840
Preferments: The Rev. M. Phayre, M.A. late Incumbent of Upton, Cheshire, to the Perpetual Curacy of Threapwood, Flintshire: patron, the Lord Bishop of Chester.
North Wales Chronicle Saturday 23 September 1854
THE REGISTRATION OF VOTERS, COUNTY OF FLINT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CHARLES WATKIN WILLIAMS WYNN, Esq., the Barrister appointed to Revise the List of Voters, in the Election of a Knight of the Shire for the County of FLINT; will hold Courts for the purpose of Revising such Lists, at several times and places undermentioned, that is to say, For the several Parishes, Townships, Precincts, or Places of Willington, Worthenbury including Threapwood at the Bowling green Inn , at Overton , on Wednesday , the 18th day of October next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. A.T.ROBERTS, Clerk of the Peace MOLD, 13th.September 1854.
Cheshire Observer Saturday 14 October 1854
CHURCH MISSION SOCIETY. The two annual meetings of the society were held at the Royal Hotel Assembly Rooms on Monday, the morning meeting at 12 presided over by the Most Hon. The Marquis of Cholmondeley, and the second on the evening at 7o’clock by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. Threapwood missionary collection amounted to £2-9s-6d.
Cheshire Observer Saturday 11 November 1854
Sales by Messrs. Churton ON THURSDAY NEXT, & c. Sale at THREAPWOOD PARSONAGE HOUSE, Three miles from Malpas, nine from Wrexham, Ellesmere and Whitchurch, and near to Worthenbury in the County of Flint. MESSRS.CHURTON have received positive instructions from the Rev, Maxwell Phayre, (who is leaving the neighbourhood) to SELL by AUCTION, without the slightest reserve, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 16th. 17th and 18th. days of November at Eleven for Twelve o’clock to the minute, the whole of the very excellent and modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. There then follows a long list of items. Catalogues may be had one week prior to the sale, at the Lion Inn, Malpas; Emral Arms, Worthenbury; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, Chester, or Whitchurch, Salop. (if by post on receipt of four stamps) N.B. A Piece of LAND, called the “ CHAPEL FIELD “ , adjoining Threapwood Parsonage House, will shortly be offered by Auction, of which due notice will be given.
THE COURT Monday 13 November 1854
The Rev. Thomas Cox has been nominated to the perpetual curacy of Threapwood, in the county of Flint and diocese of St. Asaph, void by resignation of the Rev. Maxwell Phayre; patron the Bishop of Chester.
The Essex Standard Friday 16 February 1855
Marriage. Feb.3rd. at St .Georges, Hanover Square, London, the Rev. Maxwell Phayre of Threapwood, Denbighshire, to Eliza, eldest daughter of the late W.W.Wren, Esq. of Eastwood, in this county.
Wrexham and Denbigh Weekly Advertiser Saturday 10 March 1855
Deaths On the 27th.ult, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Thomas and Ann Taylor, Threapwood, Cheshire aged 22.
Cheshire Observer Saturday 2 February 1856
Broxton Petty Sessions William Williams, of Threapwood, was charged with having damaged a bonnet belonging to Jane Owen, of that township. The defendant did not appear, and the complainant upon being questioned admitted that she had received 12s. Mr. Parker said the costs were 14s. Mr. Orton did not consider the magistrates had now any power to proceed with the case, which was then dismissed. The complainant was at once ordered to pay the costs, and two days were allowed for the purpose.
The Derby Mercury Wednesday 20 August 1856
Marriages. At the Extra-Parochial Chapel, Threapwood, Flintshire on the 12th. inst. by the Rev. Wm. H. Boscowan, vicar of Hanmer, the Rev. Thomas Cox, perpetual curate of Threapwood, to Eliza, only daughter of the late Thomas Nickson, Esq. of Rye Bank, Salop.
Liverpool Mercury Friday 23 January 1857
Sale by Auction Cheshire. Compact and desirable freehold PROPERTY at Threapwood, near Malpas BY MR.WILLIAM LAKIN On Thursday, the 5th day of February next, at Four o’clock in the afternoon, at the Red Lion, in Malpas, subject to such conditions such as shall be produced at the sale. ALL THE MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE, now and for many years used as a Public House and formerly known by the sign of “The Grapes” but now known by the name of “The HOLY LAND”. Mr James Rowson, the tenant, will show the property, and further particulars may be obtained on application, either personally or by letter, to Messrs Rowson and Cross, solicitors, Prescot.
We hope to provide extracts or copies of other Newspaper material as it becomes available.